What to do to have healthy skin?

Healthy skin is skin that appears soft, smooth, hydrated and without visible imperfections such as spots, wrinkles, acne or redness. It is also one that does not present symptoms of skin diseases such as eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis or other conditions.

To have healthy skin there are several aspects that are essential:

  • Cleanse your face in the morning and evening with a soap appropriate for your skin type. This allows you to eliminate the dirt accumulated throughout the day due to pollution and makeup residue at night, and in the morning to extract the secretion of grease and sweat before applying any cosmetic.
  • Use broad-spectrum sunscreen against UVB, UVA and visible light throughout the year. In winter, SPF 30 incorporated into the daytime moisturizing cream may be sufficient; in summer, SPF 50+++ applied several times a day is necessary, mainly on sunny days.
  • Use skin-transforming cosmetics, ideally advised by professionals, since not all skin types or at all times of the year need the same thing. Glycolic acid and Bakuchol are the star active ingredients as skin transformers and allow you to correct small spots and wrinkles, improve skin hydration and provide long-term resistance and luminosity.
  • Visit the dermatologist at least once a year. The job of the dermatologist is to detect all skin alterations, no matter how small, and correct or balance them through comprehensive dermatological treatment that includes medical treatment and specific procedures, thereby achieving healthy skin and, as a consequence, beautiful skin.

What to eat to have healthy skin?

As for food, we know that we are what we eat, so a healthy diet will be a reflection of healthy skin. Here are 5 foods considered Superfoods that will help you have that Radiant skin that we so desire!

  • Salmon: Salmon is one of the best sources of omega-3 essential fats, which act as a natural moisturizer and brightener for your skin from within.
  • Pomegranate: Pomegranates contain a substance called punicalagens, an extremely powerful antioxidant
  • Avocado: Avocado is an excellent source of vitamin E, which helps the skin retain moisture and helps heal the skin.
  • Spirulina: A blue-green algae, it is often referred to as a “whole food” due to its extremely high nutrient content, including most of the essential nutrients our bodies need. These include proteins, essential fats, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.
  • Orange vegetables: Vegetables such as carrots, pumpkin, and sweet potatoes contain particularly high levels of beta-carotene and other carotenoids, which give them their lovely color. Beta-carotene is converted in the body to vitamin A, a nutrient essential for skin integrity, that is, skin that is firm, resistant to damage, and heals quickly.

Why is it important to have healthy skin?

It is important to have healthy skin for several reasons. Firstly, the skin is the largest organ in the body and acts as a protective barrier against external elements such as pollution, ultraviolet rays from the sun, germs and other harmful substances. Healthy skin is able to perform this function effectively, keeping the body protected and healthy.

In addition, healthy skin also has an important aesthetic function. Well-groomed, radiant skin can improve self-confidence and self-esteem, which can have a positive impact on quality of life.

Lastly, maintaining healthy skin can also help prevent or delay skin aging. Well-hydrated, sun-protected skin can reduce the appearance of wrinkles and dark spots over time.

So now you know, if what you want is to look 10% skin, you already have this mini guide to achieve it! Remember that you can come see us and receive complete 1to1 advice on how to take care of your skin!

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